Fleet & Church Crookham in Bloom 2017
Click here to download the Residential Application form
Timetable for 2017
Entries: should be submitted by 3rd July
Judging: Week commencing 17th July
Prizegiving: 16th September – Church Crookham Community Centre, Boyce Road, GU52
Anyone within the Fleet & Church Crookham area can take part. You don’t have to
have a show garden – we just want you to join in helping to make our local area as
attractive as possible.
The organizers will accept no responsibility as a consequence
of the publication of any address or information in connection with this event.
Copyright of all photographs taken in connection with this event is to be made available
to, and for use by, the Fleet & Church Crookham in Bloom Committee. In entering
the competitions, you are agreeing to Fleet & Church Crookham in Bloom committee
using any photographs taken for publicity purposes. Copies of all photographs taken
as a result of Fleet & Church Crookham in Bloom activities are available for purchase
from Fun Foto Factory. Videos are available from community@fleethants.com
The Pegasus Community Cup
Do you have a local hero – an organisation or individual who has done a lot for Fleet
& Church Crookham and deserves some sort of recognition? If so, now is your chance
to nominate them!
Fleet Town Council Chairman’s Award
Awarded to individuals, or groups, who do voluntary work to improve the appearance
of a public space.
Junior Classes
These include:
Junior School
Infant School
Sunflower Trophy
Pre-school and nursery
Committee Discretion Awards
Award of special merit
Chairman’s cup
Society cup
Committee award
Improver’s Cup
Further information:
Pauline Bowyer 01252-812258
Competition Co-ordinator
Sonia Hannan 01252-684452